Lunchbox Ideas for Kids

I am always a better mom when I am organized and prepared. For me, that means being prepped for meals. It also means having a running list of lunchbox ideas for kids.
Having bento box style lunches ready to go for my kids for at least 2 days makes my week go so much smoother. For my kids, the bento box style lunch is very approachable and they actually eat their lunch.
Plus Point Bento Box
You know I love me some Instagram and I was seeing some super cute bento box lunches that made my organized mama heart skip a beat. And then I searched them on Amazon and my heart really skipped a beat. Hot dang y’all some of those popular bento boxes cost $30 each. I have two kids and I would prefer to not have to wash a lunchbox every single night so that it is ready for the next day. So, 2 kids and 2 lunchboxes each was going to cost me $120. That is a BIG FAT NO.
So my frugal solution was to use plastic containers with silicone baking cups. It did the job, but barely. Only I could hold the lunchbox or all the pieces would fall out of their silicone containers.
Then, I found Plus Point Bento boxes. Their 4-pack of boxes is $39 on Amazon. It has 2 lunch-size boxes and 2 snack-size boxes. But in all honesty, the snack size is perfect for both my kids for lunch.
So, the obvious concern when it comes to cheaper products is that the quality is cheaper too. I have not experienced that. D is a big fan of dip, he is fairly certain that ranch and ketchup qualify as dinner, and when I add them to his box there are no spills or dip dripping into the other compartments.
Plus Point Bento Box Lunch Ideas
When I pack lunchboxes for kids I follow a general rule of thumb; 1 protein, 1 carb, 1 fruit or veggie, and 1 treat. Here are a few lunchbox ideas I have tried with our new bento boxes.
DIY Lunchables
Favorite Dinner
Copy Cat Chick Fil-A Nuggets
Snack Box
More Lunchbox Ideas for Kids
A few of my blogger friends have been kind enough to share some of their lunchbox meal ideas as well.
Shannon from Bentolunchbox.net created a list of 3o different bento lunchbox ideas and recipes. Her list of lunch ideas for kids includes waffle sandwiches, mini corn dogs, and quesadillas.
Sara at MossWoodConnection.com is a registered dietician and she shared 15 different ideas for lunch. Her lunchbox ideas include grilled chicken salad, cheese and crackers, and make your own pizzas.
Hand-On Teaching Ideas also has 10 super simple healthy lunch ideas. One my favorite lunch ideas she shared is the grilled cheese sandwich with orange, veggie straws, broccoli and tomatoes, goldfish, apple chunks, and marshmallows.
If you’re a little more creative and you want to make a fun festive lunch my friend Maggy at RedTedArt.com has a super sweet Secret Life of Pets themed lunch. She paired it with movie night and I just might have to steal the idea.
Lunchbox Notes
We all want to find a way to remind our kiddos that we love them and a little note in their lunchbox is such a fun way to do just that.
Kate at The Craft Train has some adorable monster themed lunchbox notes.
Nicole the author of Coffee and Carpool shared lunchbox notes that inspire and remind our children to be kind.
Lunchbox Tips
If you are sending your kiddo off to school soon with their new bento lunchbox there are a few tips you may want to consider.
- Practice at home. That seems so silly right. I mean your child has been eating lunch for a while. But, eating at home is different than eating at school. So, if your kiddo is headed to school have them practice before going. There are a few things they should be practicing.
- Opening their lunchbox, the bento box, and any bags, pouches, cheeses and fruit cups that you plan to send in their lunch.
- Manners and eating habits – remind them not to talk with their mouth full, to use napkins, and that food that falls on the floor or yogurt on the table should just be wiped up. I have seen kids lick the table, and you don’t want your kid doing that.
- Eating in a timely fashion. I don’t love this, but I know that our kids at school only have so much time in the lunch room. So, if your kiddo gets distracted easily, remind them to eat. Typically kids have 20 minutes in the lunch room.
- Practice packing up and determining what goes in the trash and what comes home.
- Lunch Box Notes are such a sweet way to remind your kiddo that you are thinking about them. When you pack them in your child’s lunch be sure to think about their reading level. For kiddos who are pre-reading you may want to send a picture, drawing, or sticker that they can appreciate.
- Try all new foods at home. Make sure that your child likes a new recipe at home before you send them to school with it. This prevents them from deciding not to eat and then being starving and extra tired when they get home.