At-Home Date Night Ideas
A few years ago Eric and I started doing at-home dates a few years ago out of necessity. We couldn't afford both a date and a babysitter and we live far from family. So we had to get creative.
We have 2 rules in place for dates.
- Each persons has to plan one each month
- There has to be some extra element to it. Movies and games are fine, but set the tone with a dessert, drinks, and a fire ya know.
We don't plan it, but it does usually happen, but every November - January our house is so busy with birthdays and holidays so date night gets forgotten. But when we pick it back up in February we are so in need of a good date.
All that to say, slumps happen, just get back into it.
Here are some of the ideas we have done in the past. I will keep updating this post to share more as we do them.
Valentine's Chick Flick, Drinks, & Chocolate Covered Strawberries
And because I know you will ask, this drink is a Bourbon Cherry Crush. The recipe is from The Salty Marshmallow
@sandboxacademy At home date night Date for new parents Date your spouse Dates when your broke Budget date #datenightideas❤️ #valentinesdatenightideas #athomedateideas #youngparents #budgetdateideas #dateyourhusband #dateyourspouse❤️ #momoflittleones #valentines2023ideas💌 ♬ original sound - Emily | mom talk + activities
Bob Ross Paint Night At Home
We used canvases from Target, acrylic paints and brushes from Walmart. And an acrylic base from Hobby Lobby. These were cheaper materials than Bob Ross recommends and you can definitely tell that is the case when painting, but we also were not looking to become master painters. Here are the supplies he uses if you are wanting a more authentic experience.
@sandboxacademy Replying to @stephaniehaukland at home date night saves us. We try to do 2 date nights a month and each person plans one. Eric tends to pick more traditional dinner dates where I love coming up with creative ideas like this to try. #datenightidea #athomedatenightidea #athomedates #marriedtok #coupleactivity #paintlikebobross #datenightideas #athomedateideas #youngparents #budgetdateideas #dateyourhusband #dateyourspouse #momoflittleones #knoxvilletennessee #knoxvillemoms #datenight2023 ♬ Johnny & June - Heidi Newfield
Viral Couple's Challenges Date Night In
Save a few couple's challenges to your phone. Make a cocktail for some liquid courage. And try them. You will laugh your butts off.
@sandboxacademy At-Home Date Night: Viral Couple's Challenges Part 1 We laughed so hard doing all of these. Like tears running down my face. if you've been here a minute, you know I've shared a bunch of at home date night ideas because we started doing them about three years ago when we just couldn't afford both a babysitter and a date. - Fast forward a few years and we are doing both at home and regular date nights. And as unsexy as it may be, we schedule it to make sure it happens. Each of us are in charge of planning one date a month. - PS thanks to @burnbootcambwestknoxvilletn @molly.the.mom & @stylefitfatty for all the ideas #datenightathome #athomedatenight #dateyourspouse #dateideas #dateidea #knoxvilletn #knoxvillemoms #budgetdateideas #viralchallenge #coupleschallenge #couplestherapylol ♬ original sound - Emily | mom talk + activities
@sandboxacademy Couples challenges part 2 When i tell you that I peed laughing I'm not exaggerating. My favorite at-home date night yet. #viralchallenge #coupleschallenge #athomedatenight #marriedcouple #marriedwithkids #dateyourspouse #datevourhusband #knoxville #knoxvillemoms #datenightidea #athomedatenights #athomedateidea #cheapdateidea #budgetdatenight ♬ original sound - Emily | mom talk + activities