5 Garden Books We Love

5 Garden Books We Love


If you are looking for the best garden theme books for preschoolers look no further! Books are a great way to explore any topic, so we thought we would take the opportunity to share with you a few books about gardening and growing that we love. 

Plant the Tiny Seed by Christie Matheson

We love this book! It goes through the process of plants growing in a simplistic way. The best part? It engages your Lil’ and gets them moving with little hand gestures.


Tops and Bottoms by Janet Stevens

cover of tops and bottoms book for preschool garden theme

This is a fun book. It will teach your Lil’ that some plants grow above ground and some grow below ground. It will also teach a little lesson in hard work.

Flower Garden by Eve Bunting

cover of Flower Garden a garden theme books for preschoolers

This sweet book shows our Lil’s that gardens can be anywhere. The little girl plants a flower garden in a planter as a gift for her mother.

The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle

the tiny seed garden theme books for preschoolers

This is a beautiful book about how seeds spread and grow in nature through the seasons. Plus, it is written by Eric Carle and we LOVE Eric Carle in my house.

Up, Down, and Around by Katherine Ayres

up down cover of book for preschool garden theme

This is a beautiful book with vibrant pages that will draw your Lil’ in. It explores how corn grows from a seed to a stalk as well as the fun little creatures who live in the garden.

Teacher Tip

We love books! We read a minimum of twice a day if not 3 or 4 times. In order to keep us from going crazy reading the same books over and over (and to keep us from going bankrupt) we go to the library, but if you want a book to hold onto long-term, click on the pictures for the link.


What is your favorite book about gardens? Share with us!

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